Top Songs For Your Yacht Playlist

When you are preparing for a long trip across the vast waters of this world, there are a few steps you should take to make certain that your trip goes off without a hitch.  We are going to focus on one of the most important steps in preparing for a yacht trip.  

You may be thinking that we are about to tell you the best places to go for yacht painting, but we have much more exciting things in mind.  Check out the top songs you cannot do without on your yacht playlist, and get ready for a refreshing ride.  

Christopher Cross – Sailing

“Sailing” won the Song of the Year award at the Grammy’s in 1981, and it has since won our hearts with the nostalgia the tune induces.  You cannot have a great yachting playlist without “Sailing.”  

Styx – Come Sail Away

Capture the beauty of the classic rock crescendo with a tune we all know, “Come Sail Away.”  A must-have on the playlist, Styx will not fail to amp you and your crew up for a stellar trip.  

Hall & Oates – Kiss On My List

Bring back the ‘80s with Daryl Hall and John Oates and their top hit song, “Kiss On My List.”  The second single released off of their album release in 1980, Voices.  “Kiss On My List” hit number one on the charts, and opened our ears for their follow-up album, Private Eyes.  

Toto – Rosanna

Dedicated to Hollywood star Rosanna Arquette, “Rosanna” represents the true spirit of yachting with its lust for the lavish.  Enjoy your success, and please your ears with this 1982 retro classic.  

Jimmy Buffett – A Pirate Looks At Forty

It is safe to say that Jimmy Buffett is an artist that can stand alone on most yachtsman’s stereo.  The mention of “A Pirate Looks At Forty” is just a great place to start.  It is the love of “Mother ocean” that makes this single most appropriate for your yachting playlist.

Tom Petty – Last Dance With Mary Jane

In honor of his passing this year, Tom Petty’s “Last Dance With Mary Jane” comes in high on the list of favorites.  Yachting is incomplete without Buffett and Petty.  Do not leave yourself feeling wanton, and add this song to your ultimate playlist.  

Bob Marley & The Wailers – Don’t Rock My Boat

Keep your fellow sailors feeling free and copacetic during the trip with Bob Marley & The Wailers.  “Don’t Rock My Boat” will set the relaxing mood with its reggae beats and loose lines.  “Don’t rock my boat… cause I don’t want my boat to be a rockin’ anyhow” clearly speaks to the understood truth of communal living on the ocean.