So since we’ve been on another one of our worldwide sails originating all the way from North America again this time, docking in the Netherlands instead of Germany to get to Prague is quite relative in terms of the significance of the difference in distances, isn’t it? Some might ask why on earth we didn’t just brave a few hundred more miles at sea to be closer to the Czech Republic if Prague was where we were ultimately headed, while others might see the value a true traveller gets in being afforded the privilege of being able to go through one or two other countries to get to the one in which the final destination was located. It’s all about perspective..
“You came all this way to visit some night club in Newtown?” is a question we got frequently from people we interacted with while transiting through Germany, accompanied by some rather quizzical looks of course, but for some reason which I’ll gladly share with you, the fellows from the Netherlands who were in on the same “intel” knew that something like that was worth every cent spent to get there and worth every bit of effort it takes to get there. Goldfingerz is far from being just “some night club” – it’s THE NIGHT CLUB for those discerning connoisseurs of the night scene who fully understand that it’s as much about the destination as it is about the journey, in this very rare case.
We could very well have taken one of those cheap, CHEAP flights going down to around five Euros from a place like Amsterdam directly to Prague, but we elected not to, because otherwise how else would we be able to get the full measure of what Prague’s New Town Quarter has to offer in relation to many of the other cities located around Europe? It’s not explicitly the case for everyone, especially not for people who aren’t constantly on the road (or “out at sea”) like we’ve been over the past few years of our lives, but one often runs the risk of overlooking the unique factors Prague’s New Town Quarter possesses which make it worth the trip, even from across the world.
If the experiences of what can be the very hostile atmosphere in many German working-class cities you’d have to cross to get to the Czech Republic aren’t quite as fresh in your mind, it can be very easy to overlook just how welcoming Prague is, particularly the New Town Quarter. It’s mostly a destination which people enjoy rather briefly, so the best of what it has to offer appears to be strategically designed to be delivered with the short vacationer in mind.
From the beautiful sights of nature which can be enjoyed at the Botanical Garden of Faculty of Charles University to the night life which comes in many shades on offer at the likes of Goldfingerz in particular, you’ll enjoy everything in between in Prague’s New Town Quarter. For example, the Národní muzeum (National Museum) is a big history and nature museum that will keep you intrigued for hours as you work up an appetite and a thirst to cater to later when the sun goes down.
We’ll be staying here for a while though, for sure!