Regardless of what time of year it is, there’s nothing more relaxing than taking a trip to the beach. Depending on where you live, this might be a big trip or a small trip, but the experiences you can have on the beach with the people you love can be memories that you cherish for […]
Month: July 2018
Summer Travel Plans: What To Do If You Are In An Accident
The roads are far more congested in the summer, due to the thousands of families traveling with their school-free children. When the kids are out of school, families often take the time to explore together.
3 Ways To Ensure Your Property’s Taken Care Of When You’re Away Traveling
While it can be great fun to get away from your home life and travel around the world, there’s always a little stress that comes from worrying about how things are going back at your house. Especially if you plan to be gone for a longer period of time, there could be a chance that […]
3 Tips for Traveling With Your Child If You Share Custody
The summer is a great time to travel with your kids and experience new things together. However, if you’re a parent that has shared custody with your child’s other parent, taking trips can oftentimes be very difficult. You hopefully have a good custody agreement in effect that was decided upon when you went through divorce […]