In today’s world, it seems that there’s a natural disaster striking somewhere around the world every few weeks. For those who love to travel, this can make it hard to know where and when you should visit next. While you may want to visits a place that has recently experienced a natural disaster, you may […]
Month: December 2017
Things and clothes you should avoid when travelling by plane
Most of the greatest airlines make incredible offers for tickets and as a result, more and more people are traveling by plane. The most important thing is that everyone can have a long trip which used to be a day dream in the past.
Top 10 Best Islands in Thailand
Are you looking for a holiday in a tropical paradise or to backpack around South East Asia’s most popular destination? If so, visit Thailand. And more importantly, head down to one of their beautiful islands. You can find lots of rental in thailand to cater for any budget and type of trip. So, if island […]
4 Tips For Saving Money On Travel
When it comes to going on a trip, expenses can start to add up quickly. From buying airline tickets to booking accommodations, you can already run yourself a few thousand without even arriving at your destination yet.
Exploring the Mind of a Millionaire
Okay, so perhaps the fact that I arrive on my own sailboat sort of gives the game away, but for quite some time now I apparently haven’t fitted the typical mould of what many would refer to as a wealthy individual. That’s because I’m really not into living any sort of flashy lifestyle – I […]